WP5 Tech Talk - GammaHub: a web platform for interactive analysis of multi-instrument Gamma-Ray data by Jordi Delgado (IFAE)
lundi 25 mai 2020 -
lundi 25 mai 2020
GammaHub: a web platform for interactive analysis of multi-instrument Gamma-Ray data
Jordi Delgado
GammaHub: a web platform for interactive analysis of multi-instrument Gamma-Ray data
Jordi Delgado
16:00 - 17:00
in our tech talk we will present the use case we are working to contribute to ESAP platform. The idea of building a Gamma-ray data oriented platform comes from the previous experience of CosmoHub, a platform to manage Cosmological Catalogs developed at PIC. GammaHub is intended to be an interactive science analysis platform by itself, similar to CosmoHub providing tools to modelate large datasets on a big data environment in order to search, explore and plot billions of objects interactively using a Hadoop stack of tools. We will ingest datasets from multi-instrument astronomical gamma-ray experiments like MAGIC, HESS, VERITAS or CTA among others.