CEVO Tech Forum 1 hack-a-thon session "Preparing for the AAI session at ESCAPE Progress Meeting" ---- Wednesday 5 February 2020, 13:30-14:00, Strasbourg ---- Participants: André Schaaff, Dave Morris, Marco Molinaro ---- Participants gathered to start preparing the 10' minute presentation for the oncoming ESCAPE Progress Meeting 2020 in Bruxelles (end of February 2020) that will report the CEVO view and needs about the AAI (Authentication and Authorization Interfaces). Discussion touched: - needs for WP4: user perspective, VO Credential Delegation, global (non EU) view - connection to WP5 wrt VOSpace, access and the Science Platform - role of Task-4.1 wrt AAI - WP2 ESCAPE AAI and its choice for the Indigo-DataCloud IAM technology Specifically, about the credential delegation, we now it is possible through certificates but really difficult (not yet mature) with tokens. WP4 would then possibly look after also a "manual interaction" based credential delegation, but only if it implies a subsequent automation effort. A diagram or two should fit the presentation in Bruxelles to explain the other WPs what we mean by credential delegation. Not only technically but from a user perspective. As for the VOSpace and its AAI needs, discussion went over the existing implementations (CADC, ESAC, CDS, australian python package). All of these have one or another drawback or are not mature enough. INAF & UEdin will try to share efforts on a new implementation (that will need a clear AAI to work for the Science Platform). Regarding user experience, a point should be made on the possibility or constraints to have global collaborations using the ESCAPE or EOSC cloud infrastructure. If not, the IdP for the users will better fit at single project/RI level. Slides will be prepared in collaboration including also Sara Bertocco (INAF) wou couldn't attend the Tech Forum.