Cosmology WG meeting, GdR Gravitational Waves
mercredi 13 novembre 2019 -
lundi 11 novembre 2019
mardi 12 novembre 2019
mercredi 13 novembre 2019
Gravitational waves from phase transitions
Hindmarsh Mark
Sussex U. & Helsinki U
Gravitational waves from phase transitions
Hindmarsh Mark
Sussex U. & Helsinki U
09:30 - 10:30
Room: Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
I will review the current understanding of how phase transitions in the early Universe generate gravitational waves, and their prospects for observation at LISA.
coffee break
coffee break
10:40 - 11:00
Room: Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
Primordial Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
Riotto Antonio
Geneva University
Primordial Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
Riotto Antonio
Geneva University
11:00 - 12:00
Room: Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
We will discuss some aspects of primordial black holes, such as how they may form in the early universe, why they may compose all the dark matter, and how LISA will be able to detect the associated gravitational waves.
lunch break
lunch break
12:15 - 13:45
Room: Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
New insights on cosmic strings
Ringeval Christophe
Louvain University
New insights on cosmic strings
Ringeval Christophe
Louvain University
13:45 - 14:45
Room: Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background
Irina Dvorkin
Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background
Irina Dvorkin
15:00 - 15:30
Room: Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
The road to precision cosmology with gravitational waves and ground based detectors.
Simone mastrogiovanni
The road to precision cosmology with gravitational waves and ground based detectors.
Simone mastrogiovanni
15:45 - 16:15
Room: Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
Kerr Primordial Black Holes: Towards New Constraints
Jérémy Auffinger
Kerr Primordial Black Holes: Towards New Constraints
Jérémy Auffinger
16:30 - 17:00
Room: Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes
The primordial black holes solution to the dark matter issue has lately received much attention due to the non-detection of dark matter particles (WIMPs or axions) in both direct and indirect channels. These black holes are expected to form at the very beginning of the Universe through the collapse of primordial density fluctuations. Depending on their mass distribution, they can have several observable consequences, thus allowing to set constraints on their density -- and the fraction of dark matter they can represent. The observations range from gravitational micro and femto-lensing to the emission of energetic particles through Hawking radiation. In this seminar, we will focus on the Hawking radiation constraints by extending them from the Schwarzschild primordial black holes (non-rotating) to the Kerr metric (rotating black holes) and from monochromatic mass distributions to extended ones. This work is based on the new public code BlackHawk that computes the Hawking spectra of Schwarzschild/Kerr black holes and that will be briefly presented. Short abstract: In this talk we will discuss new constraints on primordial black holes and the fraction of dark matter they can represent, based on the computation of the Hawking radiation emitted by extended mass functions of Kerr (rotating) holes.