Please note the date is not set yet!
Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP
== ESCAPE WP5 Videocon Meeting notes 16-09-2019 ==
Participants: Michiel van Haarlem (ASTRON), Zheng Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON), Yan Grange (ASTRON), Aristeidis Fkiaras (CERN), Riccardo Di Maria (CERN), Simone Campana (CERN), José Ramón Rodon Ortiz (CSIC-IAA), Susana Sanchez (CSIC-IAA), Matthias Fuessling (CTA), Kilian Schwarz (FAIR), Pierre Chanial (EGO),
Jutta Schnabel (FAU), Giuliano Taffoni (INAF), Jordi Delgado (IFAE-PIC), Arpad Szomoru (JIVE), Harro Verkouter (JIVE), David Groep (Nikhef), James Collinson (SKAO), Rohini Joshi (SKAO), Daniel Nieto (UCM), Jose Luis Contreras (UCM), Stelios Voutsinas (UEDIN), Hugh Dickinson (OU)
1. Announcements, news and general updates
* ESAP MVP core team developers: Zheng Meyer-Zhao (ASTRON), Nico Vermaas (ASTRON), James Collinson (SKAO), Rohini Joshi (SKAO), Jouke Roorda (Nikhef)
* The MVP core team discussed where to start with building the prototype, from existing tool such as DIRAC or build a web iterface that connects to DIRAC and other tools.
* The MVP core team had a meeting together with DIRAC developers and the CTA team to learn more about DIRAC and the CTA extension of DIRAC. More on this will be discussed in follow up meetings.
* Bi-weekly technology meeting: the goal is to explore available tools which can be used/integrated into ESAP. Zheng will send out Doodle soon to setup meeting time. The tech meeting will be 1 hour, with 30 min. presentation
and 30 min. discussion. Please contact Zheng if you would like to give a presentation.
* SWAN tutorial 14 Oct @ CERN - possible to join remotely (link to the tutorial will be distributed when available)
* Rucio Coding Camp 2019 (15-17 October 2019,
* New fellow Riccardo Di Maria, works on caching (xCache), will work on WP2 and WP5.
* Mainly working on WP2 staging and connections. will work on WP5 task when defined.
CNRS-LAPP not present
* participated in work package meetings. no special updates
* participated in work package meeting.
* Working on different aspects, will report back to us soon.
* Job ads for WP5 hiring will publish soon.
* developing workflow for data analysis, based on Jupyter notebook, will integrate into ESAP.
* working on software containerisation, will integrate into ESAP
* WP3 workshop in July, setup workplan, looking at using existing technology for software management.
* KM3Net: working together with VO Germany to link KM3Net data with VO format, event-based data in VO, the work is just started
* hired one person to work for WP5, who is a Containerisation/HPC expert.
* Ported Lofar software
* Developing graphical interface to HPC clusters.
* Working on data visulaisation tools on Hadoop plateform
* also working with HDF5 files.
* working on project plan
* pipelines rerunning in Jupyter notebook, work with CASA6 (new version of CASA).
* analyse complete archive.
* try to use CWL for workflow.
* for WP4 Want to hire an engineer from India, but it's difficult. So probably will move work on WP3/WP4 towards the end of the project.
KIS not present <br>
* looking at AAI aspect with Andrea from WP2.
* setup identity service for ESCAPE.
RUG not present, but Johan Messchendorp sent status update by email
* Not yet filled the position (data scientist/PD) related to WP5.
* currently on hold due to pre-reorganisation in Groningen,
* would first like to know what the future would be with respect to our involvement in FAIR (the institute)
* hope this will be clarified in the next few months
* in discussion with the ad-iterim director of the lab on the Escape issues.
* will try to pick up the communication with GSI+CIT colleagues asap to see whether we can setup some GSI-RuG prototype analysis framework based on MC data, available software tools and WP2 efforts.
* Rohini, James and Rosie will participate in the SWAN tutorial at CERN in person. Rohini will also join the Rucio coding camp as WP2 work.
* Investigating DIRAC as starting point for MVP.
* looking at integrate DIRAC and RUCIO.
* asked Arpad whether Jupyter CASA kernel developer can join the SWAN tutorial in person.
* will start hiring in Q1 2020
* contacting CTA to have compatible user story.
* Building reproducible workflows,
* working on access, query and visualize data from VO, using VO registry, TAP and astropy.
* all in containerised environment.
* Jupyter hub on Spark Cluster.
WP updates from Michiel:
* EOSC & ESCAPE meeting in Brussels, to help shaping EOSC. Not clear yet how EOSC will be implemented.
2. Deliverable D5.2: Detailed Project Plan
Due date: 31 October 2019
* Form deliverable writing team to focus on content delivery. Will have regular calls to discuss the contents.
* First draft ready in early October for WP5 internal review.
* current writing team members:
Susana, Arpad, Giuliano, Matthias, Kilian, Pierre, Jose Luis
* Project plan of WP2/3/4 will provide valuable input, as we need to integrate with the results from these WPs.
* Please email Zheng if you would like to join the writing team.
* ADASS meeting: 6-10 October in Groningen (
* IVOA meeting: 11-13 October in Groningen (
* There is a BoF session on Science Platform scheduled on the 9th of October at 5:20 pm
* Matthias, Zheng, Michiel and Yan will be at both meetings
* Giuliano will be at ADASS
4. Next meeting: 14 October 11:00-12:00 (CEST)
5. Other business