Fonctionnelles de la densité: des systèmes atomiques aux systèmes nucléaires

Amphithéâtre Dirac (IPN Lyon)

Amphithéâtre Dirac

IPN Lyon

Domaine scientifique de la Doua, 4 rue Enrico Fermi 69622 Villeurbanne

Density functionals: from atomic to nuclear systems.

This event will bring together theorists working in fields ranging from quantum chemistry to nuclear physics, including cold atomic gas, nuclear astrophysics, etc.... The common red-line of this event is the nuclear many-body theory which has a very wide domain of application. We will review progresses in very different fields as shown in the program. The aim of this workshop is to foster cross-fertilization among these fields, identifying common frameworks as well as possible conceptual differences.

As participants will have a variety of different backgrounds, we will ask speakers to give presentations as pedagogical as possible. We also invite young researchers to apply for the short talks (20min).

The registration closure is May, 19th.

This meeting is supported by the GdR RESANET (GT3), the Labex LIO, the Centre Blaise Pascal (CBP), the Fédération Lyonnaise de Modélisation et Sciences Numériques (FLMSN) and the noeud Rhône Alpin du CECAM (CECAM-FR-RA) and the laboratories ILM and IPNL.

Local Organization Committee: K. Bennaceur (IPNL), T. Albaret (ILM), L. Joly (ILM), J. Margueron (IPNL).

Scientific Committee: T. Albaret (ILM), K. Bennaceur (IPNL), Jean-Paul Ebran (CEA/DAM), Razvan Caracas (ENS Lyon), Henry Chermette (ISA), Thomas Duguet (IRFU/SPhN), Ubirajara van Kolck (IPN Orsay), Thomas Niehaus (ILM), Franck Rabilloud (ILM).

  • Andreas Savin
  • Carine Michel
  • Dahbia Talbi
  • Denis LACROIX
  • Emmanuel Fromager
  • Eric Suraud
  • Federica Agostini
  • Francesca Gulminelli
  • Franck Rabilloud
  • Guillaume Le Breton
  • guy chanfray
  • henry chermette
  • Hubert Hansen
  • Jacques MEYER
  • Jean-Marc Richard
  • Jérôme Margueron
  • Karim Bennaceur
  • Laurent Joly
  • Manuel Cobian
  • Marie-Christine BACCHUS
  • Michael Bender
  • Michael Urban
  • Miguel Marques
  • Muhammad Akif Ramzan
  • Nicolas Baillot d'Etivaux
  • paul proust
  • Philippe Da costa
  • Swagata Mallik Mallik
  • sylvian lequeux
  • Thomas Carreau
  • Thomas Duguet
  • Thomas NIEHAUS
  • Tristan Albaret