ESCAPE WP2 fortnightly 7 March 2019 Indico: Participants: Manuel (MD), Fabio (FH), Martin (MB), Neyroud (N), Tommaso (TB), Simone (SC), Aris (AF), Patrick (PF), Lars (LF), Eric (EF), Yan (YG), Andrea (AC), Ghita (GR), Rosie (RB), Stephane (SJ), Xavier (XE) Apologies:  News and fortnightly meeting structure proposal (Simone) • The official presentation template for ESCAPE is available. It is intended to be used for ESCAPE related presentations (link). • The proposal is to have WP2 meeting every 2 weeks ◦ Next meeting Thu 21st March. Overlaps with HOW workshop in US.  Need to ensure assistance before confirming the meeting. • First main focus is on the first deliverable (on Oct 1st): ”Implementation plan and design of the pilot”. Simone proposed a list of topics for the next meetings that goes towards this first goal. • ESFRI contacts: the discussions at the WP2 working group need to be exposed and followed-up by the ESFRIs, we do need a nominated contact person for every ESFRI to ensure coordination and communication. ◦ • WP2 face-to-face workshop: Simone propose a 3-day event between 1st to 5th July in Amsterdam at SARA/NIKHEF to also take the opportunity to have a discussion with EOSCHub people Questions: TB: List of topics is prioritised? SC: No. But unless comments propose through go to the list. PF: There is an XDC review after HOW, suggest to postpone QoS topic by 2 weeks. Rucio workshop: outcome in the scope of ESCAPE (Martin) Martin give a quick overview of Rucio as a complete and generic scientific data management service not only for HEP but for all scientific communities. SC: We do need ballpark numbers from other communities. Average file size, metadata structure, number of files, etc. We do know the for LHC but need these basic numbers from all communities, this will give us an idea about the scalability requirements of the distributed data management systems one of them being Rucio. LF: Does Rucio understand ACLs or can manage ACLs MB: Need to be implemented PF: There are existing solutions with RESTFul interface ACLs PF: Priorities for RUCIO developments SC: Science driven and discussion among communities. XE: Make emphasis on taking on board priorities from non-LHC communities to avoid too much bias towards LHC as Rucio come from HEP world. PF: Sit down with communities, understand the needs and discuss priotities. MD: ACLs is clearly needed. 16 yr history even longer of projects that did not manage to implement access control. What is the plan to ensure we will have access control in Rucio? MB: Do not see major problems with ACLs implementation. Not massive development SC: Potential trouble in implementing ACLs is on the granularity and requirements for implementation (ie. AFS). Possible mistakes in the past is to try to address all use cases, suggest to address the needs. PF: Looking in the wrong direction. Should not start discussing ACLs (fine or coarse grained) types but protect people in the core. Leave it to the Rucio people and avoid any pre-decision. SC: Need to listen our customers first. Cluster of ESFRIS and need to ensure we achieve what they need. Need to be driven by them.  PF: Need to think about the synch of the storage ACLs with storage endpoints. AC: Bring in the token model to implement all of this. It is a big task. SC: This falls in the context of AAI and will be discussed then. PF: Content synchronization of storage content (ie. dark data) is another key point to address and do not know how to solve it now. Round table AC: Started process of hiring at CNAF. No precise date for the arrival. RB: SKA job adverts out this week. Mid-April start hiring process,  expected arrivals on June. PF: Started hiring process. MD: PIC/IFAE package together and make a new post.  GR: Trying to understand how to package project. Not before June.  N: CTA, end of the year for the test bed implementation. YG: Grouping people. GR: As we are hiring people for short term could make sense to have a pool of candidates.  SC: At CERN first ESCAPE hire arrived and started 1st of March. Two more positions to fill for the next round of Fellows (June-July) Xavier