ISOL-France Meeting 2019

Amphi BESSE (Subatech)



Laboratoire SUBATECH - UMR 6457 IMT Atlantique Campus Nantes 4 rue Alfred Kastler 44300 Nantes

While during the first ISOL-France meeting in Orsay in January 2017, we have made an overview of the researches and developments performed in the different French laboratories, the aim of  the present meeting is to move towards more collaborations. For this purpose, we will divide the meeting in three sessions dedicated to the main experimental techniques : Beta decay, Laser spectroscopy and Traps based experiments. For each session, two or three general presentations will be given and a large time will be devoted to the discussion and the presentations of new ideas/proposals by the participants. The idea is to discuss the scientific programs on which we could strengthen our collaborations and to identify possible needs in term of developments to achieve these goals.
