Reactor Neutrino Fundamental Research with Hervé de Kerret

Amphitheatre Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (Laboratoire APC (Paris, France))

Amphitheatre Pierre-Gilles de Gennes

Laboratoire APC (Paris, France)

APC Laboratory (UMR-7164) (Astro-Particule et Cosmologie) Bâtiment Condorcet 10 rue Alice Domont et Léonie Duquet. Paris. 75205. Cedex 13. France +33 157 276 070 (secretariat) +33 157 276 071 (fax)
Anatael Cabrera (IN2P3/CNRS - Laboratoire APC), Michel Obolensky (APC)

This workshop is dedicated to the prominent history of reactor neutrino experiments in France. This has been the scenario of an important contribution in France to the neutrino oscillation and neutrino physics in general. To this end, we shall track the path of Hervé de Kerret, as key shaping member of this period. Hervé was one in a generation of the scientists brewed in the reactor neutrino physics quest. Some of them will be with us - others will be strongly missed. We will be delighted to have the contributions of several international scientists that shared their scientific path in France as part of this reactor neutrino tradition.

Hence, we expect to discussion about the Bugey saga (1,2,3,4), CHOOZ, Borexino, Double Chooz and a few prospect thoughts defining present and possibly future reactor neutrino fundamental research.


Google-Map to the APC laboratory



Workshop Registration
  • Adrien Hourlier
  • Agnès AMEIL
  • Alain Givaudan
  • Alessandra Tonazzo
  • Anatael Cabrera
  • Anne AYME
  • Anne de Boissieu
  • Anthony Onillon
  • Arache Djannati-Atai
  • Bernard Andrieu
  • Bernard LE CLERC
  • Bernard Point
  • catherine de Dalmassy
  • Catherine de Kerret
  • Catherine Deschamps
  • Christian Buck
  • Christian Cauchard
  • Christian VEYSSIERE
  • Cloé Girard-Carillo
  • Daniel Vignaud
  • david lhuillier
  • dominique de courcelles
  • Edward Blucher
  • Eleni Chatzichristou
  • Emmanuel CHAUVEAU
  • Eric KAJFASZ
  • Eric Lesquoy
  • Etienne Chardonnet
  • Florence ARDELLIER
  • Francois Vannucci
  • François De Kerret
  • Françoise Pérignon
  • Gérard TRISTRAM
  • Henri AYME
  • henri de Dalmassy
  • Henri PESSARD
  • Herve Deschamps
  • Jaime Dawson
  • Jean-Louis Pérignon
  • Jean-Luc ROBERT-ESIL
  • Jean-Michel Levy
  • Jeanne Dubray
  • Johannes Landman
  • Laurence Landman-de Postel
  • Marc AMEIL
  • Marco Pallavicini
  • Marcos Cerrada
  • Masahiro Kuze
  • Matthieu Vivier
  • maurice karakac
  • Michel Cribier
  • Michel Obolensky
  • Mohamed ABBES
  • Nelly point
  • Odile Mercereau-Puijalon
  • Olivier Corpace
  • Olivier Péray
  • Patrick de Boissieu
  • Patrick Perrin
  • Priscillia de Corson
  • Rémi Chipaux
  • Santiago Pita
  • Sotiris Loucatos
  • Thiago Bezerra
  • Thierry Lasserre
  • walter bertoli