The Blaise Pascal Chair & The LiquidO Neutrino Fundamental Research Project (& Lectures)

Amphitheatre Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (Laboratoire APC (Paris, France))

Amphitheatre Pierre-Gilles de Gennes

Laboratoire APC (Paris, France)

APC Laboratory (UMR-7164) (Astro-Particule et Cosmologie) Bâtiment Condorcet 10 rue Alice Domont et Léonie Duquet. Paris. 75205. Cedex 13. France +33 157 276 070 (secretariat) +33 157 276 071 (fax)
Anatael Cabrera (IN2P3/CNRS - Laboratoire APC), Marco Grassi (APC, Paris)

The novel LiquidO neutrino detection project has been launched in tight link to the development of the Blaise Pascal Chair of Prof.Suekane during 2016-2018. The international Blaise Pascal Chair (BCP) is funded by the Région Ile-de-France under the management of the Fondation de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure.The host institution is the APC laboratory, Paris, a consortium institution of CNRS-IN2P3, CEA, Observatoire de Paris and USPC-Sorbonne. Prof. Suekane is the first neutrino scientist to be awarded the BPC high distinction.

Prof.Suekane is renown neutrino scientist from the Research Center of Neutrino Science (RCNS) and professor at the Tohoku University, both in Sendai (Japan). Prof.Suekane most recent career is well known for his expertise in reactor neutrino fundamental research and major achievement in the Double Chooz (France) and KamLAND (Japan) experiments.

Despite Japan being a world reference in neutrino physics (including several Nobel prizes awarded), Prof. Suekane has endeavoured his research effort towards the novel LiquidO neutrino project pioneered by CNRS/IN2P3 scientists, under the lead of Dr.Cabrera (LAL/APC/LNCA and BPC host). Today, the LiquidO project is supported by an international proto-collaboration of 18 institutions world-wide over 10 countries (Brasil, Canada, China, Chile, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, USA). The LiquidO first scientific released took place in Sept.2018 at the NOW-2018 conference [slides] in Italy.

This BPC-LiquidO workshop aims to summarise the scientific status of the project as of the culmination of the BPC. Several CNRS/IN2P3 key scientists (listed below) linked to both the LiquidO project and to Prof. Suekane fundamental research track in France have been specially invited as speakers for the workshop. All logistical information follows below (including link to google-map). Please REGISTER HERE.

Google-Map to the APC laboratory


IMPORTANT: as part of his closing event, Prof.Suekane will deliver three (4 hours) lectures on fundamental neutrino physics (Master/PhD level). This are envisaged as complementary part of the event. They are scheduled on the 6th-7th December 2018 (2hour each day), specially addressed to researcher and students in the "Ile de France" region. Useful information:

Time: 14:00-16:00 6th-7th DEC (2 hours with 15min break in between)

Room: 646A-Mondrian (see lectures programme below).

Should you have any question, please contact us (Marco & Anatael).

  • Anatael Cabrera
  • Christine Marquet
  • Emmanuel CHAUVEAU
  • Fumihiko Suekane
  • Jie Hu
  • Laurent Simard
  • Marco Grassi
  • Mathieu Bongrand
  • Michael Pravikoff
  • Theodoros Avgitas
  • Thiago Bezerra
  • Yang HAN