The Physics of KAGRA gravitational-wave detetor
mardi 8 janvier 2019 -
lundi 7 janvier 2019
mardi 8 janvier 2019
Cosmology and astrophysics with LIGO/Virgo and KAGRA
Cosmology and astrophysics with LIGO/Virgo and KAGRA
09:30 - 11:00
Room: Laboratoire APC - 454A
Reducing the seismic disturbances: an underground detector
Reducing the seismic disturbances: an underground detector
11:00 - 12:30
Room: Laboratoire APC - 454A
Reducing the thermal noise: a cryogenic detector
Reducing the thermal noise: a cryogenic detector
14:00 - 15:30
Room: Laboratoire APC - 454A
Reducing the quantum noise: squeezed vacuum techniques
Reducing the quantum noise: squeezed vacuum techniques
15:30 - 17:00
Room: Laboratoire APC - 454A