Giulia Ricciardi, Marcello Rotondo
These lectures aim to cover in a hopefully thorough and systematic way the determination of the CKM parameter Vcb which, despite the progresses of the last twenty years, shows inconsistent results between its determination with exclusive B->D(*) l nu and inclusive B->Xc l nu processes.
The theory part will deal with: CKM matrix, semileptonic and leptonic decays, theoretical tools needed to access Vcb from exclusive and inclusive B-->Xc l nu decays.
The experimental part will cover: phenomenology of semileptonic B meson decays, reconstruction of semileptonic decays at B-Factories and LHCb, studies of the subtleties connected with signal efficiency, physical backgrounds, signal parameterisation.
The GDR-Intensity lectures: from theory to experiment and everything in between.
This series of lectures, organized in the framework of the GDR-InF, is devoted to topics currently of considerable interest in the high-intensity frontier. Two experts, one theorist and one experimentalist, will dissect a given subject entirely on the blackboard, starting from the basics. The lectures are aimed at people in the early stages of their research career, in particular PhD students
and postdocs, but more senior researchers are more than welcome to attend.