2:40 PM
Nu 01 : R&D of neutrino beam production for future (Multi-) MW proton facility
Toru Ogitsu
3:00 PM
Nu_01_2 : R/D of neutrino beam production for future (Multi-) MW proton facility "Measurement of hadron production for T2K at CERN NA61 experiment"
Jacques Dumarchez
3:20 PM
Nu 02 : Near Detector(ND280) for the T2K experiment
Akihiro Minamino
(Kyoto University)
3:40 PM
TPC for the near detector of the T2K experiment
Georges Vasseur
(CEA Saclay, IRFU/SPP)
4:00 PM
Nu_02 WP2 : R&D of detectors for future high statistics, high precision experiment (R&D for reactor anti-neutrino experiments)
Jaime Dawson
(AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Paris 7)
Masahiro Kuze
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
4:20 PM
Nu 02 WP3 : R&D of detectors for future high statistics, high precision experiment (R&D for neutrinoless double beta decay experiments)
Nobuhiro Ishihara