Sensitivity of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope to Gamma Ray Bursts
Olivier Martineau-Huynh
Sensitivity of the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope to Gamma Ray Bursts
Melitta Naumann-Godo Erlangen University
The ANTARES collaboration is currently installing a neutrino telescope in the
Mediterranean Sea close to the French coast at Toulon. The complete detector
will consist of 900 photomultipliers arranged on 12 detector lines in 2500 m
depth, thus instrumenting a volume of 0.01 km³ sea water as target material. Theincident neutrinos are detected by collecting the Cherenkov light from charged secondary particles, which are emitted by neutrino interactions with the sea water or the rock of the sea bed beneath. By reconstructing the Cherenkov cone, the direction of the incident neutrinos can be determined with the high accuracynecessary for the search of neutrino point sources and dark matter annihilation
- the principal objectives of ANTARES.
In this presentation, emphasis will be placed on track reconstruction in the
presence of high optical background and model calculations of neutrino emission
from individual gamma ray bursts in the framework of the standard fireball modelwith internal shocks. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the ANTARES telescope to neutrino emission from gamma ray bursts is presented.