Testing CP and Time reversal Symmetries with Lambda_b to Lambda V(-1) decays
jeudi 19 octobre 2006 -
lundi 16 octobre 2006
mardi 17 octobre 2006
mercredi 18 octobre 2006
jeudi 19 octobre 2006
<b>Seminaire</b><br> Testing CP and Time reversal Symmetries with Lambda_b to Lambda V(-1) decays
Olivier Leitner
<b>Seminaire</b><br> Testing CP and Time reversal Symmetries with Lambda_b to Lambda V(-1) decays
Olivier Leitner
16:30 - 17:25
Putting together kinematical and dynamical analysis, a complete study of the decay channels Lambda_b to Lambda V(-1) with Lambda to p pi- and V(J/Psy) to l+ l- or V(rho0) to pi+ pi- is presented. An intensive use of the helicity formalism is involved on the kinematical side, while on the dynamical side, HQET is applied to determine the hadronic matrix elements between the baryons Lambda_b and Lambda. CP and time reversal symmetries are investigated in these channels where the major role of the Lambda_b polarization for constructing T-odd observables is emphasized.