LISA Data Processing Center meeting

Amphi Turing (Batiment Sophie Germain)

Amphi Turing

Batiment Sophie Germain

8 place Aurelie Nemours 75013 PARIS
Antoine Petiteau (APC - Université Paris-Diderot)

France is anticipated to have, within the LISA Consortium, the responsibility of the Data Processing Center (DPC) and primary Data Computing Center (DCC).

As expressed in the LISA proposal to the ESA call, the task of the unique DPC is to receive the L1 data set ("calibrated" data) and to deliver to the Consortium and ESA L2 and L3 data (catalogue of observed sources and of their parameters, ...). Final long-term archiving will be done by ESA.

Together with CNES, the French component of the consortium has studied the feasibility of the DPC and has suggested a strategy that could be followed taking advantage of the emergent on-demand computing technologies. One of the features of this strategy is that the hardware component of the DPC will be able to capitalize on arbitrary and flexible participation of other national centers, at whatever levels is judged appropriate. This requires computing power and storage provided by the multiple Data Computing Centres (DCC). Another key aspect of the present work supported by the DPC and other laboratories is to develop the framework (software package) for LISA production data analysis and simulation. The support of the DPC to the simulation is required very soon, since the idea is to have the first version of a consortium simulator during the LISA Phase A.

As a follow-up to the LISA proposal for the mission, we feel that it is an appropriate time to have a meeting that would:

  •  Call together all the countries/laboratories that share an interest in participating to the activities related to the DPC (DCC, DPC software, ),
  •  Explain the present strategy and how the participating countries could contribute both on the software and hardware level.
  •  Discuss the organization of the DPC through the various national contribution.
  • Alberto Krone-Martins
  • alberto vecchio
  • Antoine Petiteau
  • Chiara Caprini
  • christian surace
  • Curt Cutler
  • Cécile Cavet
  • Daiid Hobbs
  • David Shoemaker
  • Ed Porter
  • Eric Plagnol
  • Hubert Halloin
  • Jacob Slutsky
  • Jean-Baptiste Bayle
  • Jeffrey Livas
  • Jerome Bobin
  • Jonathan Gair
  • Joseph Martino
  • Laurence Chaoul
  • Lluís Gesa
  • Luigi Ferraioli
  • Manuel Torrinha
  • Marie Anne Bizouard
  • Martin Hewitson
  • Maude LE JEUNE
  • Maude LE JEUNE
  • Mike Rose
  • Miquel Nofrarias
  • Nelson Christensen
  • Petitbon Isabelle
  • Ross Church
  • Stanislav Babak
  • Stéphane Paltani
  • Sérgio Almeida
  • Tania Regimbau
  • Tyson Littenberg
  • Victor Martin Hernandez
  • Volker Beckmann
  • Yves LEMIERE