JUNO Software Workshop @LLR

salle de conference LMS (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet)

salle de conference LMS

Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet

Ecole polytechnique, 91 128 Palaiseau Cedex – France
The Juno Software workshop will take place at LLR (Palaiseau), close to Paris, France. It will last one week from Nov. 28th 2016 to Dec. 2nd 2016. Thursday afternoon will be a free half day, except for people attending the PDR sub-meeting. A social dinner is forseen on Thursday night in the center of Paris. During the workshop we plan to have Tutorial and Practice sessions, as well as dedicated talks. The tutorials are particularly intended for new collaborators and young students. Due to the restricted room availability, the attendance will be limited to 40 people.
  • Alexander Tietzsch
  • Andrey Formozov
  • Axel Mueller
  • Bedrich Roskovec
  • Christoph Genster
  • Cristina Martellini
  • David Meyhoefer
  • Davide Chiesa
  • Dusan Stefanik
  • Fatma Helal Sawy
  • Giulio Settanta
  • Giuseppe Salamanna
  • Guofu Cao
  • Haoqi Lu
  • Henning Rebber
  • Jiaheng Zou
  • Jilei Xu
  • Jingyan Shi
  • Julia Sawatzki
  • Liang ZHAN
  • Liangjian Wen
  • Livia Ludhova
  • M. Buizza Avanzini
  • Michael Hartmann
  • Michael Wurm
  • Michaela Schever
  • Michele Montuschi
  • Olivier DRAPIER
  • Philipp Kampmann
  • Qinhua Huang
  • Sebastian Lorenz
  • Simon Blyth
  • Tao Lin
  • Teng LI
  • Weidong Li
  • Wenjie Wu
  • Wilfried Depnering
  • Xingtao Huang
  • Xuefeng Ding
  • Zeyuan Yu