10th AGATA Week

 IPN-Lyon 22-26 November 2010


          Plenary sessions


Monday 22nd


13:00-14:00       Registration

14:00-15:00       - Welcome by the local organization (B. Ille, Head of IPNL)
- Report on the AGATA project and AMB organization (A. Gadea)
- Status of AGATA at LNL Legnaro (E. Farnea) 
- Performance report

15:00-15:30       Coffee Break

15:30-18:30       Simulations and Complementary detectors
                        (Chairperson M. Palacz/E. Farnea)

- Simulations for Doppler shift lifetime measurements and complex level schemes
(C. Michelagnoli, INFN Padova) 30”
- Status of the simulations for the NEDA array (M. Palacz, Warsaw Uni.) 30”

                        Interfacing Complementary Instrumentation
                        - Status of the AGAVA GTS Interface (B. Dulny, IFJ-PAN Cracow) 30”
                        - Status of the EXOGAM2 Front-End Electronics (M. Tripon, GANIL) 30”

News on Complementary detectors and Mecanical Integration
(Chairperson J.J. Valiente-Dobon INFN-LNL Legnaro)

- The Plunger setup for AGATA at PRESPEC (Ch. Fransen IKP-Köln)

19:00              Welcome cocktail

Tuesday 23rd


9:00-11:00               Infrastructure Working Group Contributions


                               - Infrastructure Status (P. Jones, JYFL Jyvalkyla) 20'

                               - Detector Support System GUI (T. Habermann, GSI) 20'

                               - Grounding (N. Karkour, CSNSM Orsay) 20'


11:00-11:30              Coffee Break           


11:30-13:00              Infrastructure for the Installation of AGATA at GSI


       - AGATA - PRESPEC mechanics support structure (J. Strachan, STFC Daresbury)

       - The HELENA setup for PRESPEC (B. Milion, INFN-Milano)


13:00-14:30              Lunch                                           

14:30-16:30              Front-End Electronics W.G    
               status reports and contributions on upgrades for the new phase


                               - Status report of the FEE production (Ian Lazarus, STFC Daresbury)

                               - Report on the commissioning of the VHDL V1 (N. Karkour, CSNSM Orsay

                               - Digitiser report (P. Coleman-Smith, Daresbury Laboratory)


                               Contributions on the Future FEE for AGATA:


                               - Digital Preamplifier (A. Pullia, University and INFN-Milano)
                               - Integration of the Pre-processing Electronics (D. Bortolato, INFN-Padova)

                               - R&D on Full Integration of the AGATA Electronics (N. Karkour, CSNSM Orsay)
                               - GTS present and future (to be confirmed)
                               - Slow control present and future (E. Legay, CSNSM Orsay)


16:30-17:00              Coffee Break                           

17:00-18:30              Front-End Electronics (continue)          

20:30                          Conference Dinner


Wednesday 24th


                               Parallel session at the salle du Conseil


9:00-11:00               Data Acquisition, Run Control and Slow Control


       - Overwiew (Ch. Theisen, CEA Saclay)

       - Data flow upgrades (X. Grave, IPN Orsay)

       - GEC and monitoring (Eric Legay, CSNSM Orsay)

       - On-line checking using watchers (Olivier Stézowski , IPN Lyon)

       - Grid data transfers (O. Stezowski on behalf of P. Molini, INFN LNL)


11:00-11:30              Coffee Break


11:30-13:00              Data Acquisition, Run Control and Slow Control


       - Hardware and admin (Yann Aubert, IPN Orsay)

       - New ideas for next phases - Project definition (Ch. Theisen, CEA Saclay)

       - GSI phase   (N. Kurz, GSI Darmstadt)

       - Discussions on the GSI phase

       - Conclusions (Ch. Theisen, CEA Saclay)


Parallel Session at the Amphitheater Hall


9:00-11:00               Detector Module


- Overview and status of AGATA detectors (P. Reiter, IKP-Uni. Cologne) 20”

- Overview of detector characterisation at UoL (C. Unsworth , Uni. Liverpool)

- Characterisation of AGATA detectors (B. Birkenbach , IKP-Uni. Cologne) 

- Neutron damage and trapping effects (B. Bruyneel, IKP-Uni. Cologne) 

- Results from Orsay scanning (A. Korichi, CSNSM Orsay)                 

11:00-11:30              Coffee Break


11:30-13:00              Detector Module and PSA


       - A calibration experiment for the AGATA pulse shape analysis

       (S. Klupp, TU-Munich) 20”

       - Signal Basis extracted with the PSCS method and tests with RS algorithm

       (F. Crespi, INFN-Milano) 20”

       - Progress in PSA development (M. Schlarb, TU-Munich) 15”

       - Results from GSI scanning system (N. Goel, GSI Darmstadt) 20”


13:00-14:30                   Lunch              


14:30-16:30              Tracking and Data Analysis



       - Tracking status report (A. Lopez-Martens, CSNSM Orsay) 15”

                               Data analysis

       - Data analysis status (O. Stezowski, IPN Lyon)

       - Progress in on-line and off-line data processing (D. Bazzacco, INFN Padova)

       - Lifetime measurements in neutron-rich Zn isotopes (C. Louchart, Saclay) 15”

                            - 42Ca coulex - current status of the analysis (K. Hadynska, Klek)


16:30-17:00              Coffee Break

17:00-18:30              Tracking and Data Analysis continued


       - Position resolution measurement based on results of commissioning experiment #1

        (P-A. Söderström, Uppsala University) 15”

       - Data analysis with Cracow (J. Grebosz, IFJ PAN Cracow)



       - The AGATA GRID model and Status of data analysis on the Grid (M. Kaci, IFIC Valencia)

       - Narval on the Grid (X. Grave, IPN Orsay)



19:00              Cocktail at the Villeurbanne’s Town Hall

Thursday  25th


9:00-10:30         AGATA Collaboration Council                             
                        Closed Meeting of the Council                                                                
10:30-11:00       Coffee Break                                                     

11:00-12:00       - AGATA at PRESPEC-GSI Status and LoI’s for AGATA at PRESPEC-GSI (H.J. Wollersheim, GSI, Darmstadt)

                        - The conceptual design of the AGATA setup at PRESPEC (C. Domingo, GSI Darmstadt)

                        - In-beam background tests at GSI-FRS with an AGATA Capsule (C. Domingo, GSI Darmstadt)

                        - Core preamplifier adjustments for ToT tests at GSI (A. Pullia INFN-Milano)           


12:00-13:30       Status of the AGATA experiments performed at LNL

                        - Order-to-chaos transition in warm rotating 174W nuclei (V. Vandone, Milano)

                        - Inelastic scattering as a tool to search for highly excited states up to the region
                           of the Giant Quadrupole Resonance (F. Crespi, Milano)

                        - Lifetime measurement in neutron-rich Ni, Cu, and Zn isotopes (E. Sahin, LNL)

                        - Lifetime measurement of the 6.792 MeV state in 15O (C. Michelagnoli, Padova)

                        - 64Ni lifetimes (J.J. Valiente-Dobon, LNL)

13:30-14:30       Lunch                                      

14:30-16:30       Short Presentations of new LoI’s for AGATA at LNL

16:30-17:00       Coffee Break                                                     

17:00-18:30       High Resolution  gamma spectroscopy at SPIRAL2


                        - Introduction to the SPIRAL2 Phase 2 Day one (A.Gadea)

                        - High Resolution γ-Spectroscopy at SPIRAL2 with AGATA and EXOGAM2 (A.Gadea )

                        - The GASPARD Charge particle detector array (D.Beaumel)

                        - The PARIS gamma-detector array (A.Maj)

Friday  26th


9:00-10:30         High Resolution  gamma spectroscopy at SPIRAL2 (continued)

                        - NEDA Neutron Detector array (J.J. Valiente)

                        - Coulex Techniques and instrumentation (A. Görgen)

                        - Zero degree separators for fusion-evaporation reactions (E. Clement)

10:30-11:00       Coffee Break                                                     

11:00-13:00       Presentation of LoI’s and Discussion: High Resolution Gamma Spectroscopy at
                        SPIRAL2 Phase 2 Day 1 (continue).


Parallel sessions


Monday 22nd


15:30-18:30              Parallel session on Front-End Electronics
                                (specialist meeting)


Tuesday 23rd


9:00-11:00               PSA Team meeting


11:30-13:00              PSA Team meeting (Continue)



14:30-16:30              Mechanics Team meeting


17:00-18:30              Infrastructure Team meeting



Wednesday 24th


Thursday 25th


9:00-10:30         Parallel session on Data Analysis on the GRID

9:00-10:30         DAQ team meeting